Hackberry tree is singular

Hackberry tree is singular by its own concept and its qualities. Beside the house, there is more than one. We like a lot, personally gives me great peace. Besides, used to make agricultural tools to work in the field.

Its singular aspect of the trunk can remind us the leg of an elephant. In colloquial language, we can refer to this tree as the elephant leg. It has a long grey trunk and at the bottom extended as if the foot of the animal. Currently the hackberry planted in urban areas with shade tree feature, replacing bananas, more prone to illness.

In older specimens, the trunk can emptied inside. The spherical glass can reach large. The leaves are deciduous, ovate or lanceolate shape, with serrated margin, ending in a long, curved tip and the asymmetrical base to remember that the hackberry, like elm, belongs to the family of ulmaceae. The fruit is the size of a pea. Passes successively through the stages of green, yellow, blue and finally black, when it is already fully mature and tastes better.

It is a fast growing tree. The flexible timber used for agricultural tools, especially pitchforks, sticks or handles tillage. When the branch cut must be removed sap. Trunks immersed in water to expel the sap. In the moulding process of the timber, it peeled and heated with a torch. When it cools it hardens in the manner that been given. Its branches that can used as fodder for animals.

Called tree welcome and therefore often planted at the entrance of the houses. Next to Cal Cisteller there is one. In the Volta and Baluard and there are several. It is also a symbol of cisteller-lledoner-almez-singular-casa-ruralprosperity in relation to the development of the tools.

For us it means the booming prosperity, welfare and happiness of work.


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